The Wedding
Welcome to Our Wedding
Syana & Deni
22 September 2021
Dengan memohon rasa hormat, kami bermaksud mengundang Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/I untuk menghadiri acara pernikahan putra – putri kami:
Ns. Ossyana Trionita, S. Kep
Putri dari
Bapak Muhammad Yusuf
Ibu Supeni Prihastuti, S. Pd
Deni Rio Saputra
Putra dari
Bapak Sapta
Ibu Wasiem (Almh)
Wedding Event
09.00 - Selesai
Desa Roworejo (depan lapangan), Kelurahan Roworejo,
Kecamatan Negeri Katon, Kab Pesawaran, Lampung
09.00 - Selesai
Desa Roworejo (depan lapangan), Kelurahan Roworejo,
Kecamatan Negeri Katon, Kab Pesawaran, Lampung
Love Story
The first time I met and got acquainted with him, with the unexpected thing, he and his friend used a car and I used a motorbike with a friend, at first they said hello, but I didn't really respond to it, because my friend forced us to end up together and stop each other. Exchange pin BBM in time, from frequent BBM chat and phone so we get to know each other more
We are still indifferent to each other's feelings, but still maintain communication with each other even though we are far apart, and he is also the one who is always there and always accompanied my difficult times, the times where he always gave me support to complete my NERS education, and at that time also we are open to each other about our feelings
Still with the same feeling, he who never gets tired of supporting me with my many college assignments, until finally I was able to graduate and get cum laude predicate, I'm really happy of course
in 2019 we have a long distance relationship because he allowed me to come with father, I was accepted to work at a private hospital in Sukabumi, West Java, even though we are far apart but we still maintain communication with each other
Not much different from previous years but the difference this year is that we are committed to each other to move into a more serious relationship, her parents and my parents met each other and thank God our parents gave each other their blessing.
Until finally this year we agreed to inaugurate our event, perfecting half of our religion which will be held on September 22, 2021 with a marriage bond, in this year full of drama and in a difficult year for us, but hopefully this won't be the case. for us in the future,,, amen