a.n. Janu Dwi Astuti
Salin No. Rekening
a.n. Janu Dwi Astuti
Salin No. Rekening
In this year we met for the first time. there was no feeling at that time, after so long chatting and support for each other as a friends with all his attention, we decided to have a relationship.
After almost 2 years of being in a relationship, we decided to separate. we are too young for a serious relationship. and there are still dreams to achieve.
started with our favorite food when we were dating, he tried to chat with me by sending photos of our favorite food. "dimsum", for the first time after break up, he wanted to send dimsum via online food. it became the beginning of a conversation, and finally on the same day, after knowing that we were still single, he wanted to be serious and in the evening he came to see my parents to seriously propose. and of course... my family accepted it. I feel very happy, because he is the person I have been waiting for all this time.
We've got engaged!
Congratsss 😁😁
..Tadaaaaa finally got proposed. hihihi.😊☺️ a lot of things happened. the less the intensity of meeting, the less attention to each other, we often have different perception. But for us, it's normal. So far, Allah has made everything easy.
one year.. yappsss.. it takes one year to prepare everything. and it took 12 years to arrive at our happy day.
This is Allah's way, Allah made the process so beautiful.
We'll be married, hopefully forever.
cant wait to see you there!
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Terima kasih telah memilih produk kami.
Semoga pernikahan Anda Barakah dan menjadi
keluarga yang Sakinah, Mawaddah, Warahmah. Aamiin
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Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, dimohon para tamu untuk mematuhi protokol kesehatan yang berlaku.
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Anda dapat menemui kami secara virtual dengan bergabung pada live streaming pernikahan kami dengan menekan tombol berikut
Wedding Dita & Gerry
Meeting ID : 856 8291 5557
Password : 25921
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