Undangan Khitan Abi

Undangan Khitan Abi

rzseptian1 (Copy)
Septian Abimanyu
Tamu Undangan
Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, kami bermaksud mengundang Anda untuk menghadiri acara Khitan putra kami.

Wedding Ardy & Mery

We invited you to celebrate our wedding

Ardy & Mirna

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2022



Anak ke-1 dari
Bapak Mustari Dg. Sija dan Ibu Salma D. So'na

Mirna (Mery)

Anak ke-3 dari
Bapak Mustamin dan Ibu Rosmiati

Our Special

Wedding Event

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Akad Nikah

01 Desember 201x

08.00 WITA
Until End

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Resepsi Pernikahan

12 Desember 201x

08.00 WITA
Until End

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" Dan di antara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya diciptakan-Nya untukmu pasangan hidup dari jenismu sendiri supaya kamu dapat ketenangan hati dan dijadikannya kasih sayang di antara kamu. Sesungguhnya yang demikian menjadi tanda-tanda kebesaran-Nya bagi orang-orang yang berpikir. "

- Q.S. Ar-Rum: 21 -

Kirimkan Pesan


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Edo & Afni WTC KKD 05

Indah & Damar
Tamu Undangan
Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, kami bermaksud mengundang Anda untuk menghadiri acara pernikahan kami.
Mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan penulisan nama/gelar

How to deal with15462 Feeling Weak in Marriage Culture

Keeping a healthy relationship requires work on the part of both partners. One of the biggest problems couples deal with is how to overcome feelings of helplessness. Whilst it can natural to feel distressed, it’s important to recognize that the feeling can be quite a sign of a deeper difficulty. As such, you may https://mailorderbride123.com/reviews/asian-date-dating-service/ take steps to improve your early stages of a relationship problem.

The standard way to eliminate feelings of helplessness is usually to be aware of sparks. These are encounters that make the well-being a whole lot worse, such as sense unappreciated or ignored. You may also focus on the present. This can be done by taking notice of what is going on around you, such as noticing the smells and sounds in the room. You should also be upfront and honest together with your partner about your needs and emotions. This will help to you break the routine of victimhood and improve your chances of a healthy future.

In addition , you really should consider in search of professional help. A large number of forms of remedy are effective for helping persons learn to put all their inner resources to good use. Cognitive behavioural remedy, for example , can help you with learning how to manage your feelings and to identify negative considering. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, a psychotherapist just might recommend methods for dealing with these types of challenges.

In addition to the cognitive behavioural approaches described previously mentioned, you can also find help in person-centered guidance. These types of strategies are designed to business address the precise issues that happen to be causing you to feel helpless in your relationship. Simply by understanding your personal strengths and weaknesses, you can identify and then overcome the problems which might be holding you back.

Choosing the best way for tackling your emotions of helplessness is crucial. Whether you may seek out support from a mental physician, or chance upon cognitive behavioural techniques on your own, you will probably manage to achieve the purpose of being even more in control of your own mind. A therapist can help you to better figure out your feelings and stimulate you to associated with changes you need. The most powerful therapies have already been proven to be impressive at increasing a person’s total well-being.

When you are sense overwhelmed or hopeless, the nervous method is not in the best shape. This is usually a debilitating frame of mind, and can business lead into a number of health issues. If you are feeling this way, try to keep the anxiety to a minimum and focus on the present. By doing so, you can actually see more clearly what your priorities are, and you’ll be better positioned to satisfy your goals.

If you’re nonetheless feeling helpless in your marriage, you may be suffering from what is known as learned helplessness. This is a behaviour design caused by a disturbing event or group of circumstances. In this situation, you might be more likely to be a unaggressive bystander. Instead of trying to make a change, you might be more likely to prevent confrontation and be more likely to resign yourself to your urges.

nisa & amri

nisa & amri

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Khitan One Muhammad Daiman

Khitan One Muhammad Daiman

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One Muhammad Daiman
Tamu Undangan
Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, Kami mengundang Anda untuk hadir di acara walimatul khitan Anak Kami.
Undangan Aqiqah Aishana Kirania Almahyra

Undangan Aqiqah Aishana Kirania Almahyra

Aishana Kirania Almahyra
Kpd Bpk/Ibu/Saudara/i
Tamu Undangan
Tanpa Mengurangi Rasa Hormat, Kami Mengundang Anda Untuk Hadir Di Acara Kami.

tasyakuran aqiqah

Aishana Kirania Almahyra

Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb

Alhamdulillah Telah Lahir Dengan Selamat, Anak Kedua Kami Pada Tanggal 19 September 2022 Dan Diberi Nama

Kirania Almahyra

Anak Kedua Dari
Ayah :
Febri Prasetya, S. Pd, M.Pd.T
Ibu :
Rindang Ayu, S. Psi, M. Si
Atuk :
Prof. Ganefri, Ph. D
Prof. Asmar Yulastri, Ph. D
Nenek cunyiang :
Ramaya Vanderlien
Kakek :
Syafruddin J (Alm)

Sebagai Rasa Syukur Kami Mengundang Bapak/ Ibu/ Saudara/i Untuk Menghadiri Acara Syukuran Dan Aqiqah Anak Kami.

Insya Allah Acara Akan Dilaksanakan Pada :

Senin, 26 September 2022

11:00 – 14:00

Bertempat Di Rumah Dinas Rektor Air Tawar Padang

Jl. Teratai, Air Tawar Bar., Kec. Padang Utara, Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat

Aishana Kirania Almahyra

Semoga Ananda Menjadi Anak Yang Sholeh, Berbakti Kepada Kedua Orang Tua, Berguna Bagi Nusa, Bangsa, Dan Agama.

Suatu Kebahagiaan Bagi Keluarga Kami Jika Bapak/ Ibu/ Saudara/i Dapat Hadir Dan Memberikan Do’a Restu Diacara Syukuran & Aqiqah Anak Kami.

Keluarga Besar :

Bapak Febri Prasetya, S. Pd, M.Pd.T &
Ibu Rindang Ayu, S. Psi, M. Si

Berikan Ucapan Anda :

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