Dengan memohon rahmat Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala, kami mengundang anda untuk hadir pada acara pernikahan kami
Putri Pertama Dari :
Bapak Syahril Taufik & Ibu Irma Lestari
Putra Pertama Dari :
Bapak Deddy Armunanto & Ibu Renny Puspahayati
Met for the first time as classmates, been good friends ever since. Our friendship bonded through group projects, campus events, and Romellow.
After two years of being together, he brought his family to meet hers. Two families unite.
In front of our big family, we tied the knot with a ring in her finger. We got engaged.
Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, para tamu dimohon mematuhi protokol kesehatan yang berlaku
Atas Kehadiran Dan Do’a Restu Bapak/ Ibu/ Saudara/i Kami Ucapkan Terimakasih